Monday, 28 May 2012

Reduction in Meetings?

Consideration is currently being given to reducing the number of meetings during the Masonic year from 7 to 4.  Three of our meetings are usually not well attended because of the time of year and weather and so it is thought that holding meetings in only October (Installation); December (Christmas Dinner); March (Ladies White Table) and May (Election of New Master and avoiding Easter) would mean that the brethren's costs would be reduced, the ceremonies could be better prepared and opportunities given to brethren to attend other lodges and especailly Boscombe Lodge's April meeting.

The Secretary is to meet with the Provincial Executive following a favourable response from members with a view to setting the wheels in motion to get formal approval to such a reduction.  This will not take place until after he has had a 3R's meeting (Recruitment, Retention and Refreshment) meeting in early July. 

Monday, 14 May 2012

Our Last Meeting - Wednesday 2nd May 2012

Our last meeting took place on Wednesday 2nd May 2012 at Freemasons' Hall, Crane Street, Salisbury.  On this occasion, and in light of the 100th anniversary, the brethren received an illustrated talk by W. Bro. Michael Barratt on the subject of Freemasons on the Titanic in which Bro. Barratt gave a short history of the ship, its maiden voyage and the aftermath of the tragedy. Bro Barratt also gave some details of the biographies of some Freemasons on board.  The meeting was attended by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V. W.Bro. Peter Winton  as well as many Freemasons from all corners of the Province.  The meeting was rounded off by an excellent and convivial festive board.  The charity draw box now has in excess of £350 in it with seventeen keys left to pick.  W. Bro. rod Elliott was elected as Master Elect for the Masonic Year 2012-2013 and W. Bro. Norman Barter re-elected as Treasurer.  The Installation meeting will take place on the evening of the first Wednesday in October.