Thursday, 2 December 2010

Meeting - Wednesday 1st December 2010

Our last meeting was held at Freemason's Hall, Crane Street, Salisbury on Wednesday 1st December 2010. It was our Boscombe Night when we invited members of Boscombe Lodge No. 2158 from the Province of Hampshire & Isle of Wight to join us - continuing a long tradition dating over 60 years. The evening took the form of a demonstration of the Third Degree Ceremony with Bro. Graham Hill from the Lodge of Emulation acting as the candidate because our newest member was unable to attend the meeting to be raised himself due to work commitments. The members had a very convival evening with an excellent festive board afterwards where they were served chicken, leek and ham pie, suet mince pudding with custard and cheese and biscuits. Nobody won the Charity Box which after tonight now stands at a minimum of £804 although the lucky person who picked the key did go home with a bottle of scotch if not the money. Brethren also sang carols ably accompanied on the piano by W. Bro. David Angus. A really pleasant evening was had by all.